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Curiosity. Clarity.

I facilitate empowered and practical transformation for driven and passionate people searching for greater alignment, meaning, and purpose in their personal and professional lives.

Green House

Hi. I’m Sheri, your relational consultant.


I help individuals, couples, and leaders access and act on the feeling of choice, so you can relate more successfully in all aspects of your life.

  • Develop a clear sense of self so you can be a leader in your life

  • Learn to advocate for others, build trust, and generate positive change

  • Engage in your life with integrity, compassion, and connection

  • Recognize and honor your intrinsic value in the world

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It’s time to get unstuck, unleashed, and ready for what’s next.

What if you could know intrinsically what you want and need? Often, fear, a lack of information, or a misplaced belief can get in the way — of our clarity, our momentum, our success, and our passion. As humans, we have a tendency to undervalue our own strength and resilience. 


In our work together, you will grow and stretch your capacity for authentic living so that you can move forward with confidence, create a compelling life, and look forward to a joyful future.


My process is all about helping you along your journey so you can learn to recognize and settle into the place of your inner knowing. It’s about finding the light that is authentic to you and so true that you wake up and live every day in that space.

Real-world experience with solid academic credentials

  • Masters Degree in Psychology, Bastyr University

  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, University of Washington


For over 20 years, I worked in the Seattle area as a licensed mental health counselor with a systemic perspective and an emphasis in emotionally focused therapy. In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, I began to recalibrate my work to move away from the medical mental health model and toward a coaching model of teaching, challenge, and support. 


This pivot toward a more goal-focused, sustainable, and repeatable approach aligned with my clients’ growing desire to navigate change and uncertainty. They wanted a more robust set of tools, support, and guidance. The clients who thrived during this time recognized the need for a proactive approach, which allowed their fear to subside and for them to see the opportunities available in multiple aspects of their lives. 


Today, my coaching approach helps individuals, couples, and leaders be grounded and connected in the present moment while experiencing what matters most to them.


When you are ready for alignment and purpose — in life, relationship, or career — I offer compassion, challenge, and support to help you access the full breadth of your potential in this life.

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